Sunday, April 5, 2009

two sides of bali

The luxurious and the err,luxurious?

ahh..dont u just wish u were here?

sitting by the pool

taking a dip

relaxing and looking into the indian ocean

drinking $200 cocktails

a butler standing next to you serving you anytime...
isnt life GRRRRREATT????

or do you wish you're HERE?

standing by the very clean river??

picking up golds and silvers(oops..trash and rotten food?)

looking at the back of people's houses

fishing fish poisoned with industrial wastes

seeing a man pooing on your left

and a boy taking a bath on your right....
isnt life just GRRRREAAAAT?

This is just not fair.
Life it is.

Now I should feel grateful for my life.You too!!

See u soon,