Saturday, April 4, 2009


oops dont be scared!!!
she's just my best friend Caroline!

I know her expression is rather "intimidating" ahahahahahha
but i guess she's just posing her "best pose" for the camera!!

she said she cant smile for the camera,but i'll tell you that that's a total lie
ill show you the proof:

so she's not that scary after all right?
hahahah anyway im just posting this for fun cause she's gonna post something about me too in her blog.
We're like dead bored.
Literally,dead bored.
She has been my friend for like since forever hahaha and she's really cool too.

oh and if you're wondering what's going on with her eyebrows that's just a salon malfunction!!haahaha
A stupid salon girl plucked practically all of her eyebrow hahaha poor caroline.but now it's back to it's bushy form haha.Bushy eyebrows are trendier now,no?

But beware when you meet her!!
She can be a little autistic!Ooops,not a little but.......
VERY autistic!!!!sorry olin :) i know ur gonna read this