Okay,forget about the converse double tounge sneakers,for right now.... :)
Cause im so in love with these.
What happens when nylon and nike collaborates?
You bet it'll be really cool.And you're super right.
I have to get these in my hands!
Good thing they'll start selling it this June-holiday checklist : get it.
Till I get the shoes ;),
Thursday, April 23, 2009
definitely the most AWESOME shoes NOW!!
Posted by adrienne at Thursday, April 23, 2009 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
When you wish upon a dandelion...
I wish after high school I could take a few months off and travel to a
few countries (ex:Greece,Brazil,Tahiti, etc.) and do some
volunteer work...
I wish when I grow up I could be a United Nations ambassador or volunteer
and a Greenpeace activist...
I wish someday I could go on a roadtrip in Europe with my friends!
Wouldnt that be so much fun...!
I wish to have a great relationship with everything around me-myself,my friends,
my family and my environment....
I wish next year I can go to South Africa to watch The 2010 World Cup...
I wish I can stay for a few years in Germany,France,Japan or Spain
and learn the language....I really want to master at least
4 different languages!
I wish I could protect all the polar bears and endangered animals-rainforest too!
I wish I could live in places like Hawaii,the French Riviera or Tahiti when I grow up..
I wish in the future I would have a really fun and nice paying job-and
a really really hot + nice husband(and really cute kids!)!
I wish someday the world could experience peace and tranquility...
I wish I could manage to get a PhD or Master's degree in whatever field I choose
to study...
I wish to travel the whole world and discover every different cultures and people..
Africa,South America,Asia....
I wish to live in the "greenest" home when I grow up!
I wish I could make a difference to the world and especially
my hometown Bali..
I wish to live happily ever after....
Is that too many wishes for one person to ask for?
When you wish upon a dandelion and blow all the spores away, close your eyes, make a wish, and may they all come true some day.
Remember,wishes do come true...
If it does not - you just have to work extra hard..
If all else fails,just close your eyes..
And make a wish upon a falling star or a dandelion.... :)
Till my wishes(and yours!) come true,
Posted by adrienne at Wednesday, April 22, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Hotties (continued)....!!!!
That's all for today.....
I have to watch Manchester United play against Everton now!
(And see another hottie,Cristiano Ronaldo!....)
C ya,
Posted by adrienne at Sunday, April 19, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
May I introduce you to my friend Nerissa....
According to urban dictionary the name Nerissa means nymph
and if you find out what nymph means,it is:
1.An extremly horny female, young in age yet expierienced in bed.
2.A shortcut for nympho which means a woman who is very sexually driven.
And you cannot believe how well suited her name is for her!
She is exactly like what her name means,umm horny?
I wonder what her parents were thinking about when they decided to call her Nerissa,
they must have a sixth sense or something (laugh)...
And dont be shocked to see Nerissa.She might look like a 10-year-old but inside she's well.....a nymph!!!!!May I present you Nerissa.....
I told you she's like a 10-year-old!You must be shocked to see a girl this small yet so GENIT!
Google genit maybe you'll find what it means.
See how she puts her hand across her body?That means she is feeling horny!
Of course it's because of that macho black guy at the back!
I feel sorry for that big black guy.I think he's Nerissa's next target!
Poor guy...Nerissa can be really agressive...
I dont know how many man Nerissa had conquered and seduced...
Is this the power of a name?
You can actually act like what your name means?
Ica(nerissa's nickname) dont get mad when you read this!
It's absolutely true! :)
That's all for now,
LYLLTS (Ps...Be careful when you give a name to your kid!Choose carefully! :D)
Posted by adrienne at Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
two sides of bali
The luxurious and the err,luxurious?
ahh..dont u just wish u were here?
sitting by the pool
taking a dip
relaxing and looking into the indian ocean
drinking $200 cocktails
a butler standing next to you serving you anytime...
isnt life GRRRRREATT????
or do you wish you're HERE?
standing by the very clean river??
picking up golds and silvers(oops..trash and rotten food?)
looking at the back of people's houses
fishing fish poisoned with industrial wastes
seeing a man pooing on your left
and a boy taking a bath on your right....
isnt life just GRRRREAAAAT?
This is just not fair.
Life it is.
Now I should feel grateful for my life.You too!!
See u soon,
Posted by adrienne at Sunday, April 05, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
oops dont be scared!!!
she's just my best friend Caroline!
I know her expression is rather "intimidating" ahahahahahha
but i guess she's just posing her "best pose" for the camera!!
she said she cant smile for the camera,but i'll tell you that that's a total lie
ill show you the proof:
so she's not that scary after all right?
hahahah anyway im just posting this for fun cause she's gonna post something about me too in her blog.
We're like dead bored.
Literally,dead bored.
She has been my friend for like since forever hahaha and she's really cool too.
oh and if you're wondering what's going on with her eyebrows that's just a salon malfunction!!haahaha
A stupid salon girl plucked practically all of her eyebrow hahaha poor caroline.but now it's back to it's bushy form haha.Bushy eyebrows are trendier now,no?
But beware when you meet her!!
She can be a little autistic!Ooops,not a little but.......
VERY autistic!!!!sorry olin :) i know ur gonna read this
Posted by adrienne at Saturday, April 04, 2009 0 comments
does anyone know how to make a madeleine?
I guess i'll have to search the whole house now how sad.......
Posted by adrienne at Saturday, April 04, 2009 0 comments
Cullum In Bali!
About a month ago,jazz singer Jamie Cullum went to Bali.
He performed at the private opening party of the new St.Regis hotel..
I went there with my parents and grandma but I stupidly only knew he was
gonna perform when we're already on the way!So its too late to get a camera.
Luckily,one of my relative works there so I asked her for his photos.
She's so nice,she gave me the Cd rom.
Jamie Cullum is really tiny in person,but he's funny and seems like a nice guy.
He beatbox and sang Rihanna's umbrella.
And of course he's so good at playing the piano!!
I'm not really into jazz music or piano,I play the piano but i'm not like very smart or enthusiastic.
But still he's really entertaining!
You should listen to jazz music sometimes :) ,
Posted by adrienne at Saturday, April 04, 2009 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
things i covet!
If only i have my own credit card!I want this victoria's secret bikini!!!and it's on sale!the thing is i just recently bought a bikini from victoria's secret too,this one:
so my mom doesnt let me buy it!how annoying :(...
she doesnt understand that we live in Bali..!
You cant survive in Bali without one,and the more the better.
But i just asked my grandma if she has a visa card and she said yes!so im gonna try to persuade her ,but i'll wait till she's in a really good mood :) ......
Last but not least is a leather sling bag like this prada one!
Posted by adrienne at Friday, April 03, 2009 0 comments
shud i really make one?
First it might be really addictive and my exams are like in a month
wait you must think im a total nerd,well maybe i am hahaha(who talks about english exam in their blog?duh.....)
but wait im not stopping...
so i think im sure with this.it's just a blog anyway.it wouldnt be addictive.
everyone would have no social life if blogging is so addictive.
god im not a person who goes home and play computer games the whole day
and then goes to sleep,wake up in the morning go to school again.
but it's not that i DONT play computer games.
i DO.
it's just not all the time like some people do,really.
but will people read my blog anyway?
its not like i care that much.
well um a little bit maybe,but whatever.
oh i got another use of this blog instead of the super-dorky practice-for-my-english-exam excuse.im in grade 10 and in my school we usually move to college or abroad after it.
and if in case im going away from bali(which i really wanna do,which is weird maybe for some people since they think bali is such a fun place which it is but not for me who live here for years)
i can still know what my friends are doing through their blog and of course they'll know what im doing too
(but maybe they wont give a shit on what im doing :P)
well this is getting long....
see ya !x's and o's
Posted by adrienne at Friday, April 03, 2009 0 comments